Friday, April 25, 2008

Kemper's day at the beach

There's sand 'tween his toes

And sand up his nose

And sand in his crannies where sand shouldn't goes

Kemper spent the day at Coney Island today. It was quite an adventure.

Kemper boards the F-train to Coney Island:

Kemper likes riding in an elevated train--so much to see from the windows!:

Kemper decides against riding the rickety old Cyclone roller coaster:

Kemper hangs out on the beach:

Kemper and daddy play on the beach. Boy that sand sure feels good on his toes:

Kemper learns that the ground can be made up of really fun things, like this sand stuff:

Kemper gets sand EVERYWHERE:

Kemper gets his hat adjusted by daddy:

Kemper goes wading in the Atlantic Ocean for the very first time. First impressions: it's COOOOLLLLD!:

Kemper strolls the boardwalk at Coney Island:

Kemper debates whether to go on the Wonder Wheel ferris wheel on the Coney Island boardwalk:

Kemper stops at Nathan's so daddy can get a chilicheese dog and some french fries:

Kemper plays in the grass while daddy eats his Nathan's french fries:

Kemper plays with his new friend Toby on the train ride back home:

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