Friday, November 4, 2011

Kemper in New Zealand - Day 1

Kemper’s favorite part of flying in the airplane? “Taking off and landing.” This used not to be the case, but “Now I’m four.” Still, a tight hug on Mommy or Daddy’s arm is part of the process.

At LAX, after three hours of layover, Daddy and Kemper regard the arrival of the “really, REALLY big plane” that will soon take them to New Zealand.

Kemper gets into his pajamas in preparation for the long overnight flight. It’s after 10pm, and after a long day of school, a six-hour flight, and four-hour layover, but Kemper’s mood is still happy and his spirits high.

He fell asleep before takeoff. He slept (a bit fitfully, but otherwise continuously) for nine hours. He then happily played for the remaining four hours of the flight. He got off the plane still in the great mood he had maintained for the previous 26 hours of airport negotiation and air travel. I wish I could travel as well as Kemper.

A four-year-old having his first breakfast ever on a plane just might be the only person on the planet utterly delighted by airline food.


Helping Mommy and Daddy uplift their marriage license at the Auckland Department of the Interior offices.

Sailing in Auckland Harbour.

Kemper takes the wheel of a 50-foot sailboat in Auckland Harbour, with Auckland Bridge in the background.

After two exceedingly long days, we enjoy a dinner of savory $3.50 Korean pancakes --variously stuffed with cheese and either beef, chicken, or spiced vegetables (along with a red bean-paste-filled and nutella-filled ones for dessert) – back in our two-bedroom suite. Bedtime for all: 8pm.